Advent prayers from Sr. Rita Ostry, ND

Loving and Gracious God, the Christmas season reminds us of Christ’s coming into the world to bring light to those who walk in darkness. We are aware of the darkness that fills our world. Jesus calls us to bring light to the darkness around us.

So we pray,

  • May we bring the light of compassion and care to those suffering with physical ailments, mental illness, loneliness, and desperation.
  • May we bring the light of right, respectful relationships to those who are marginalized, unwanted, and oppressed.
  • May we bring the light of wisdom and understanding to conflict situations and difficult conversations.
  • May we bring the light of healing and reconciliation to fractured, hurtful and unjust relationships in our families, neighborhoods, cities and nations.
  • May we bring the light of God’s peace, presence and love to our world, realizing we are all connected as brothers and sisters gifted with the earth’s resources.

We desire to be the light in darkness, faithful to this call, trusting your spirit and power working in and through us. Amen.