Reflection for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ…June 14, 2020

By Sr Marie Alice Ostry, ND

This year our Lent and Easter Seasons have been as no other in our memory.  In my reflection throughout these seasons I have been able to “experience” the Gospels and “imagine” a little more clearly how the apostles must have perceived these same “mysteries” as they walked with Jesus trying to understand His message and life.

This became clearer especially nearing Pentecost.  We have in the first reading that “the apostles, Mary, and the women were in a room gathered together”.  I can imagine they were wondering, pondering, considering what was the meaning of all that they had experienced  — the “denials”, the “fleeing from the garden”, Jesus’ cruel death and still puzzled by the words of “raising up in three days” – how does this all come together?  What this mean?

For me these seasons, with the “sheltering in place” gave more time for wondering, pondering, and considering the events of Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension without the “usual” participation physically in these special events, gave me time to place myself in the apostles, Mary, and the women’s considering stance.  How did I put myself into these liturgies without the “physical closeness” of community?  What does it call me to in making real this mystery today?

Through the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost the apostles CHANGED, by the power of the Spirit, were compelled to go forth with courage and energy to make known the person of this Christ with determination, beyond the “denials, fleeing, and staying in the closed room”.  How have I been changed with the experience of these Seasons in this unusual circumstances?  How does my experience of the Spirit compel me?  Where is my courage, energy to bring the values of the Gospels put forth by Jesus?