Reflection for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Kathy Schinker, Notre Dame Associate

What a rich selection of readings. First to seek and to be given wisdom reminds me of the Serenity Prayer asking for serenity in acceptance, courage, and wisdom.

In the second reading, it is very clear that we are “naked and exposed” to the eyes of God to whom we must render an account.

Then we are reminded in the gospel that choices have consequences. I don’t want to go “away” sad because I won’t share. We may not have material wealth but we are asked to give what we have. Was the rich man afraid of giving all his wealth away? Do I have the same fear? We are being invited by Jesus to deeply believe that “all things are possible for God”. I pray for the wisdom and generosity to be able to share all my “riches”, large or small with others in loving service.