“The Ascension of the Lord,” & the Seventh Sunday of Easter

by Linda Fitzgerald, Notre Dame Associate.

Acts 1:1-11
The reflection that amazes me the most about our Lord’s Ascension is that our Lord unmasks the lie that we are alone!

The spirit will drive the disciples, all of us and all those to come, to advance beyond our lack of understanding and fear to become Jesus’ own witnesses. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will empower and sustain their mission and ours. What a promise!

Ephesians: 1:17-23
Paul writes about the inexpressible greatness of God’s power…raising Jesus from the dead and sitting him at his right hand. All things are under Christ’s feet. We live in the fullness of Christ and his church…what challenge, joy and comfort!

Gospel: Luke 24:46-53
Jesus promises his followers the Holy Spirit and sends them out to witness. “Stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

My reflection is that the Holy Spirit for them and for us is the felt reality of God!
We ponder and don’t always recognize this felt reality, but one reality for me from this Gospel is the promise, the great hope of the returning of our LORD and we will be with Him and all those who love Him for all eternity! Alleluia! Amen!