Epiphany Sunday

by Sr Marie Alice Ostry ND

Epiphany – this means manifestation.  We just celebrated the coming of the Christ at Christmas.  What does this mean in our lives?  What did it mean in the lives of those who lived in Mary and Joseph’s time?  God came to share in our life.  This Sunday we celebrate God’s coming with a “different slant” – manifestation.  Christ came to manifest – show – who God is within our human existence.

God is manifesting in all of Creation.  We hear in the Gospels that in the words of Jesus and he came for ALL.  To me all means “all of creation,” simply because God is the One from Whom all creation came.  As I reflected on manifestation I realized that God could only begin to reveal the meaning of “God-life” through the various creations that abound in not only our world but the whole of the universe.  And yet, the Whole of the God-life is still not FULLY manifested.

So, what does this mean in our lives?  I cannot answer for you, but for me it is living with the amazing and awestruck realization that everyone I meet and everywhere I go IF I am “awakened to the Spirit” I am encountering God’s life.  Since the Trinity is a reciprocal experience, I in turn need to respond, respect with the Spirit of the God-life within me to all and everything each day.   This is daunting and I take courage in knowing that “God walks with me” each day.  Let us be a manifestation of God’s life throughout this New Year.