
Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time…July 28, 2024

by Sr. Jan Ludvik, ND

The readings from Kings and John’s Gospel remind us that when we share in responding to the needs of others, there is enough for all, even on a global scale.

Following Christ’s example of reaching out in everyday life to others in need, we generally…

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Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time…July 21, 2024

by Ed McKibbin, Notre Dame Associate

I recently heard a commentary on this Sunday’s gospel on Catholic radio. This commentary referenced the word “pity”, and how this word, despite typically having a negative connotation, should actually bring us great comfort in our lives. Christ “pities” us when we are…

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Reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time…July 14, 2024

by Phyllis Chandler, Notre Dame Associate

“Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.” Psalm 85:8

The Scripture readings for this Sunday are all closely related.  They invite us to listen to God’s call and respond by spreading the good news of salvation to those with…

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Reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time…July 7, 2024

by Sr. Anita Rolenc, ND

Ezekiel 2;2-5, Psalm 123: 1-14, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Mark 6:1-6

The three Scripture passages speak of weaknesses, rejection, hardships and sufferings in serving God.  Ezekiel, Paul, and even Jesus faced opposition from those to whom they were sent.  Yet Ezekiel persisted in speaking to the…

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Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time… June 30, 2024

by Sr. Theresa Maly, ND

This week the Book of Wisdom, reminds us, in no uncertain terms, that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. This is no surprise, we learned this as children but we may miss the word, ALL.  ALL are made in…

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Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time… June 23, 2024

By Bonnie Mcdowall, Notre Dame Associate

Faith or fear

What do we have, fear or faith?

I know that when I have doubts about my life, I am letting fear take over, just like the apostles did when the wind came up and rocked the boat.

How many times do we ask Jesus…

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Reflection for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time … June 16th, 2024

by Marylou Garrett, ND Associate

“To what shall we compare the kingdom of God? It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, it is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes…

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Reflection for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time… June 9, 2024

by Theresa Wiggs, Notre Dame Associate

This weekend’s readings take us on quite a journey! There are many vivid characters: Adam, Eve, the serpent, Beelzebul, the Holy Spirit, and Satan. That is an impressive cast of characters!

We start with the Old Testament reading describing the familiar scene of Adam,…

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Reflection for the Feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ…June 2, 2024

by Sr Joy Connealy, ND

Reflecting on this feast brought me back to a time when I served among the Native American people in Porcupine, South Dakota.  The first traditional wake I experienced deepened my understanding and gratitude for the Eucharist.  A father of two of our students and…

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Dot Connealy, Notre Dame Associate

Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Galatians 5:16-25; John 20:19-23 or John 15:26,27,16.

Pentecost….one of my favorite church Sundays.  I remember one particular Pentecost at Holy Family Parish in Decatur. This was shortly after I had married my husband and became a…

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