Feast of All Saints…November 1, 2020
By Sr Rosalee Burke ND
Sunday we ask to be counted among the Saints—to be holy! It is easy to forget the struggle we must endure to truly be holy. We can slip into the easy way to do things.
God invites us to clear our minds and look at our day. What are we being asked to do by God? What extra bit might we need to accomplish?
Being a follower of Christ is both difficult and rewarding. The problem is seeing and going through the difficult to see the rewarding. But God is with us in our struggles and God rewards our struggles.
We are living in a strange time with the corona virus. No one else has lived through it to point the way or to show the long-term blessings. We are being asked to do many things to stay safe: wear masks, stay at a distance, and avoid crowds. We are all staying home more and interacting with others less. This in itself is stressful.
So what can we do to uplift our neighbor who is just as confined as we are? Can we use the phone, or write a note, or send a blessings? If we reach out to one person each day we will make life better for many and we will feel better ourselves.
So let us join the Saints and help each other through these trying times. Let us ask the Saints to assist us to be holy and to help each other from a distance.