Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 6, 2022

By Sr Cynthia Hruby ND

My first hearing of the readings for this Sunday was from the USCCB podcast that I listen to each day. The following reflection is based on my ever deepening experience.

Reading I – Is 6:1-2a, 3-8

“They cried one to the other, ‘Holy, holy, holy….’ ”

At the start of my reflection, I failed to begin with a period of silence that could ready me to notice a call from the Holy Spirit to open my heart. Upon hearing “holy, holy, holy,” my distracted mind immediately took me to the image of working in my dad’s garage where I saw holes in cloth made by acid from a battery. From there my monkey-mind took me to the experience of “acid conversation” that is toxic to the human spirit. At some point, the Holy Spirit broke in with the podcast reader. I began to hear “He touched my mouth with [an ember] and said, ‘See, now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin is purged’.”  Then I heard, “Whom shall I send?” … “Send me” (Is. 6:7-8).

Resp. Psalm – Ps 138

“In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord.”

The last line of the first reading had me pondering.  A beautiful voice singing the Responsorial Psalm refrain on the podcast drew my attention. I closed my eyes and tried imagining being sent to where I could see the angels.  But I saw humans! With each I was given the memory of goodness and compassion I had witnessed.  My spirit joined in the song of praise.

Reading II – 1 Cor. 15:1-11

“Hold fast to the word… unless you believed in vain.”

FEAR gripped me!  DOUBTS about the strength of my faith creeped in. When I returned to listening, I heard, “But by the grace of God I am [who] I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective” (I Cor. 15:10).  RELIEF! HOPE! ENCOURAGEMENT! Now I felt ready to join in singing the Gospel Alleluia!

Alleluia – Mt 4:19

“Come after me and I will make you.…”

My earlier “send me” now had me on alert to hear the Gospel.

Gospel. Luke 5:1-11

“Do not be afraid….”

In the Gospel scene, Jesus first stands by and watches two boats of men return from hard overnight work. When they reach shore, he gets in and directs them “to put out a short distance.” That’s where my spirit paused.  I need to trust God knows how far to take me.


Go forth this week to live more deeply the word of God. Trust that the Spirit within will help return your focus to the treasure within yourself, others, all of creation.