Celebrating Mother Teresa’s Birthday: Lessons for a Divided Society

by Mikaela VanMoorleghem, MPA

Today we honor the birthday of one of the 20th century’s most revered figures, Mother Teresa. Known for her commitment to serving the poor and marginalized, Mother Teresa’s legacy remains deeply relevant, especially in today’s polarized and divided times. In today’s context, celebrating her birthday is more than a commemoration; it’s a call to action. Mother Teresa’s example challenges us to confront our own responsibilities in fostering kindness, empathy, and support for the vulnerable.

Her work exemplified compassion for all, regardless of background. Our society is often marked by division and partisanship, and her example reminds us of the importance of seeing humanity in everyone. By prioritizing empathy over judgment, we can work on bridging our divides and build more inclusive communities.

Mother Teresa’s life was a testament to the power of service to unify people across different walks of life. During these divided times, engaging in acts of service can break down barriers and create common ground. Volunteering, supporting local initiatives, and helping those in need are practical ways to foster connection and solidarity.
Her teachings emphasized loving and respecting every individual, regardless of their social status or beliefs. As we navigate contentious landscapes, embracing this principle can help us respond to disagreement with grace and avoid the traps of hostility and dehumanization. Her example encourages us to reject violence and hate, seeking peaceful solutions and promoting understanding over conflict.

In a time when societal tensions are high, embracing the lessons Mother Teresa imparted through her life’s work can help us navigate our differences with compassion with the hope of creating a more harmonious and just society. By honoring her memory on her birthday, let’s reaffirm our commitment to building a world where love and service transcend divisions, and where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.