COVID and A Time of Changes
A letter from our provincial president
Dear brothers and sisters,
There is no doubt about it—our nation needs healing!
COVID-19 is on the rise in over 32 states; racial tensions and inequalities surge; economic stress affects more individuals and families; immigrants are separated from loved ones or returned to the violence they escaped; many individuals fear loss of status and deportation; our political system has never been so divided over many issues and dialogue is lacking; global warming creates uncontrollable fires, hurricanes, floods and drought and untold displacement of families and loss of property.
I do believe there is not one of us who has not been affected by all that is happening in this year of 2020. The people we serve, through Safe Homes or the residents of Notre Dame Housing, are experiencing the same Coronavirus crises we all are, but without the safety nets and support systems so many of us take for granted.
God is present to us all with wisdom and courage, ever present to anyone. God is not passive, for sure. I then look at my own heart.
What is there that is contrary to the way Jesus would be acting if he were walking the ground with us now? He spoke his truth to the leaders, he paid attention to the marginalized, he gave his life for all.
Each of us can make a difference to be a part of our nation’s healing.
We can vote, reach out to families hurting economically, support teachers with encouraging notes and supplies, have dialogues with individuals of color to more fully understand what is happening in their lives, and pay attention to our neighbors. We can support causes that support people living on the margins of society.
We each have gifts we share even if we daily feel overwhelmed and inadequate. Above all, we can pray for the healing of our nation, of our world.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:6-7)
Peace and healing to you,
Margaret Hickey, ND
Provincial President, Notre Dame Sisters