Pray with us

Sisters gather prayers each month internally. This month we will share with you what we are praying for, and ask you to join us in prayer. We take joys and sorrows and place them into the hands of our Provident and Healing God. So let’s do that now.

Provident God,

♥ Let us find You in our hearts and move us
to love all with great respect and care.

♥ Guard all those who must work in
inclement weather and especially those
who have no shelter. May we help provide

♥ Open our minds to the great contributions
of our Black brothers and sisters and
realize the struggle they still endure today
seeking equity and justice. Help us work to
change systems that perpetuate inequity.

♥ Thank you for Fr. Gabriel’s call to deepen
our trust in Your providential care.

♥ We celebrate those who have gone before
us and thank them for their witness to joy
and love.

♥ Give special graces to all those who
celebrate their birth, their weddings and

♥ May Mary our Mother and Sister sustain us
with the same courage she witnessed.

Healing God,

♥ End the COVID and remind us that each of
us affects the well-being of another by
what we do.

♥ Bring world leaders to solve differences
with diplomacy rather than war and

♥ Establish integrity in our governmental
systems to create laws for the dignity of all
peoples from conception to natural death.

♥ Pope Francis has called us to dream and
vision during this Synod. May we each do
our part at his request.

♥ Bless with courage and truth all those who
seek truth and healing to end the trauma to
Native American peoples.

♥ Be our strength in the difficult times and
be our joy each day. Provident and Healing
God, we believe in Your great presence
with us each moment.