The Epiphany

by Sr. Jan Ludvik

Years ago when I lived in Chicago, I occasionally “lost myself” as I was driving to various destinations.  I did not have a navigational system, neither a compass nor a GPS.  Therefore I circled around and discovered various off-the-beaten-path areas of the city.  It was especially worrisome when darkness of nighttime enveloped me.

These days I find myself in darkness and “lost again” amid the flurry of contradictory messages on any number of realities bombarding us:  fear, negativity, disinformation, polarization, discrimination, alienation, divisiveness, violence, etc., etc., etc.  There’s so much “stuff” that needs prayer and discernment.  Neither a guiding heavenly Star nor Rudolph’s red nose are available as I (and we) navigate and meditate on the living Word of God in this holy season.

During Advent and Christmas, I sought to quietly re-discover a deeper and faithful sense of Jesus’ presence within my own life, in other persons, and in our created world.  Sometimes that was truly challenging!   If all Christian believers would enflesh Christ’s loving presence in our thoughts, actions, encounters — our deepest selves — the Christmas spirit of peace, love, integrity, and justice would be more fully embodied in our midst.

As we celebrate the feast of Epiphany — the manifestation of Christ in our world family and all creation — we are not summoned to offer gifts of gold, frankincense or myrrh.  Christ Jesus came among us showing us how to live and to love.  May I suggest that we place ourselves in the role of the Magi.  Let us delight in being The Wise Ones as gift-bearers of love, compassion, reconciliation, patience, justice, peace, understanding, and discernment.  In our outreach-gifting, may our words and actions joyously proclaim God-is-with-us each and every moment.