The Feast Day of Alix LeClerc – A Prophet for Our Time
by Sr. Joy Connealy
In today’s society and beyond, as in every age, we need witnesses to Gospel justice. Those are special individuals who are deeply connected to God and are passionate about responding to the needs of our world. Blessed Alix LeClerc, a co-founder of the Notre Dame Sisters’ congregation, was just such a woman.
At the young age of 19, she met Fr. Peter Fourier and shared with him a desire to renew society and lift up the poor and struggling. She responded to a call from God to focus her life on God and in turn bring God’s love and compassion to a world in need of conversion and justice for the least.
Some of her words show us the values she lived and proclaimed: “May God be your only and total love.” Alix struggled greatly in her life with her faith, ill health, and to understand what God was asking of her. Through listening and patience, Alix came to believe that by making God her first love, she would be fulfilling her destiny. Contemplation, listening to the small voice within her, she was empowered to act for justice.
“Do what is most pleasing to God.” Alix and Peter saw the need for education and created centers of learning that helped young girls who were not educated to grow holistically; attending to mind, body, and spirit, children thrived in this learning environment. Never satisfied with what was, she reached out to the needy and worked to change society to be more just and loving. No matter the cost, Alix was willing to sacrifice to answer God’s call in her life.
“Do all that you can to preserve the love and unity among you.” She believed that love and unity were the foundation of any undertaking. Without them it was not God’s work. She helped to transform society in her time and her influence continues over 400 years later in the congregation she co-founded. In a world torn with division, prejudice and violence, we need Alix’s voice to lead us to God’s vision of love and unity for all.
In one of Alix’s visions, the Blessed Mother handed the child Jesus to Alix and said, “Take this child and make Him grow until He is great.” As daughters of Alix, we Notre Dame Sisters, follow her vision and passion to make Christ present in our world. We join with all who listen deeply to God’s call and respond to the needs around us. God’s work will not fail!