Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022

By Sr. Margaret Proskovec ND

The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit of God dwelling within us.  [Entrance Antiphon]


Readings: Acts 2:1-11; I Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; John 20:19-23

Wind, Tongues of fire coming to rest on each…

Different kinds of spiritual gifts and forms of service…

In each individual the Spirit is manifested in a unique manner.

The readings in today’s liturgy are rich in imagery describing God’s creative action in the lives of those who are open to this Divine presence.  Unlike the destructive winds and fire that have become all too familiar in recent times, the Spirit of God is creative and beneficial because this power is that of LOVE.  The Spirit energizes us for healing and wholeness through gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude and many others that we are sent to share with others.

As Paul explains to the Corinthians, we need one another and the varied and unique gifts each member has received, just as the body needs each of its parts.  Our love manifests the Spirit of God when we seek to benefit others.

In the Gospel, Jesus breathes out his Spirit on the disciples, and speaks the beautiful words that echo throughout time: Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, so I send you…

Then he sends them (and us today) to bring this peace to others through forgiveness and witnessing by our lives what we have learned from his life and teaching.

Send out your Spirit, O God, and renew the face of the earth.  [Psalm Response]