Dot Connealy, Notre Dame Associate

Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Galatians 5:16-25; John 20:19-23 or John 15:26,27,16.

Pentecost….one of my favorite church Sundays.  I remember one particular Pentecost at Holy Family Parish in Decatur. This was shortly after I had married my husband and became a part of his family’s home parish.

At the time, our small parish community was made up of many young families with little children.  One of the mothers decided that to help the young ones understand the significance of this special day she would buy about a dozen Red balloons and she would have the children let them go up into the air after mass.  It was a meaningful event for them (and for those “oldsters” young at heart) because a balloon is one of the signs of a birthday party and we celebrate the birthday of the church on Pentecost.

I have always enjoyed birthdays….the marking of time between years is for me personally gratifying.  The birthday of the church marks time for us, too. We can ask ourselves how important is my time in the church today? Do I feel more a part of my church community? Or less?  What can I do about that?

It can be a starting point for the next year.  How can I immerse myself in a more meaningful way in my parish community?

Can I find meaning and joy in my participation?

Good questions for a birthday, any birthday that we celebrate.

Thank you for letting me share.