Impact Our Future through Legacy Planning

  • Impact the lives of others while creating a lasting legacy by making gifts to help build the funds and endowments for the Notre Dame Sisters.
  • Find peace of mind through a wide variety of tax benefits.
  • Help the Notre Dame Sisters further their mission to reach out to people with unmet needs and nurture in them a conviction of God’s love so they may recognize their own gifts in and through the limitations and pain.

How to Give

Learn how to make a gift that will assist the mission of the Notre Dame Sisters. Please contact John Griffith, at, or 402-455-2994.

Prayer for Legacy Giving

Dear Jesus,

As I embark on the journey of legacy giving, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking guidance and inspiration. I recognize the importance of leaving a positive impact on this world, and I understand that my actions today can shape the future for generations to come.

I pray for clarity and wisdom as I navigate the path of philanthropy. Help me discern the causes and organizations that align with my values and allow me to contribute to the greater good. May my philanthropic endeavors be driven by compassion, empathy, and a deep desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

Grant me the strength to create a lasting legacy, one that transcends financial wealth and extends to the core of my being. Help me share my resources generously, not only for immediate needs but also for long-term sustainability and impact. Guide me in the establishment of charitable foundations, endowments, or any other vehicles that will carry forward my philanthropic vision and continue to serve those in need.

As I plan for my legacy, I ask for your guidance in involving my loved ones, so they may also embrace the spirit of giving and understand the importance of leaving a positive mark on the world. May my actions inspire future generations to continue the legacy of compassion and generosity, ensuring that my values and passions endure long after I am gone.

Please bless me with the knowledge and understanding of tax laws and financial strategies that will allow me to maximize the impact of my giving. Grant me the ability to optimize resources and navigate complexities, so that my charitable contributions can make a meaningful difference while providing benefits for those I care about.

Finally, I pray for humility and gratitude. Help me remain humble in the face of my blessings and remember that true wealth lies in the ability to give. Fill my heart with gratitude for the resources I have been entrusted with, and remind me that legacy giving is not only a responsibility but also a privilege.

With reverence and trust, I surrender my legacy giving journey to your divine guidance. May my actions create ripples of love, kindness, and transformation in this world, now and for generations to come.
