Reflection – Feast of Epiphany, January 2, 2022

By Sr. Celeste Wobeter ND

Epiphany – a manifestation!  The manifestation of Jesus, the Christ, to all the world!  Isaiah proclaims a message of joy and hope:

Rise up in splendor!       

          Your light has come!  

          The glory of our God shines upon you.       

          See darkness covers the earth . . . but upon you God’s glory shines!

          Raise your eyes and look about . . . .

          Then you shall be radiant at what you see, your heart will throb and overflow!

The Maji truly lived out this joy-filled proclamation!  They recognized the star as a special call, as a fulfillment of Isaiah’s words, “Your light has come!”  With determination and trust they followed that star.  The journey was long.  It was challenging.  At times they perhaps questioned themselves about this star, this journey.  And yet, inspired by Isaiah’s message, trusting that message, they journeyed day after day with hope and anticipation.  At times the star was not visible.  Nevertheless, they continued until the star stopped over the place where the Child was.  Their hearts throbbed and overflowed with joy and wonder!

Isn’t this what our faith journey is like?  Something, some One, within us fills our hearts with a yearning.  A yearning to be more loving.  To be a person of mercy and acceptance. A person of integrity, of generosity, of hope and peace.  Is this yearning our STAR?  Will we choose to follow that star?  In times of challenge and difficulty?  Can we trust that this star, this yearning will lead us to the Christ?

During this coming year, may each of us recognize the “STAR” that God sends us and follow it with trust and hope.  And may we each become a “STAR” of love, peace and joy for one another and for our world.