Reflection for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 26, 2022

By Kris Lanik, Notre Dame Associate

Today’s readings take us back to the basics. We are encouraged to honestly examine our deepest priorities in life.

The reading from the Gospel of Luke tells us of the internal struggles of two potential disciples. Both were speaking with Jesus. Jesus invites them to “Follow me.”

The response of the first is “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” The response of the second is very similar; “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home.” They want to follow Jesus but only on their own terms of taking care of some other matters that take priority in their minds. Jesus’ reply could be considered as a thanks but no thanks.

We are called to be true disciples putting Christ and His will ahead of our own plans and what we consider to be priorities. Following Him requires a heartfelt “yes”, not a response with conditions such as “yes, but…” or “yes, after…”

It comes as no surprise we may experience a daily internal battle over what we consider to be priorities.

Jesus deserves nothing less than a complete “yes!” We need to get beyond our own selfishness. Embrace putting Christ and others ahead of ourselves. When we get in the habit of putting first things first, Christ’s priorities become our priorities.