Reflection for Christ the King Sunday…Nov 26, 2023

by Theresa Homan, Notre Dame Associate

Any good animal breeder knows to keep the sleek and the strong of the herd and to cull out the weak and the lame. So why does this God, who we claim to want to follow, do it backwards?

In the New American Bible, today’s gospel reading is titled The Judgement of the Nations. Consider the nations that are “sleek and strong.” An honest look at how they got that way does not paint a pretty picture. Maybe this helps to explain God’s backwards ways.

So what does this mean for us as individuals; our choices for how to live our own lives; the direction we are trying to move our nation with our vote; and how we use our money personally and as a nation? Some suggestions:

– Imagine yourself as a refugee fleeing violence, poverty or displaced by a natural disaster. Pray with ferver for your sisters and brothers in such situations.

– Consider the nearby homeless, the drug addicted and mentally ill, the working poor, those deprived of opportunities and the lazy. These, too, are our brothers and sisters.  Can we see them as such?

– Read again the gospel, MT 25:31-46, be quiet and listen. Listen daily to the Good Voice within and live with open eyes and an open heart.

Wishing you all God’s peace, joy, and lightness of heart as we close this liturgical year and start anew!