Reflection for Corpus Christ (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)

by Sr. Barbara Markey, ND

When the crowd gathering around Jesus was growing hungry, the disciples asked Jesus to disperse them. Instead, he told them “Give them some food yourselves”.

Sometimes, God asks of us the seemingly impossible: to forgive others, to forgive ourselves, to find a way to help those in need when we ourselves are in need, or to find a way with a problem that has no obvious solutions. To give when we believe we have nothing left to give.

Because Jesus asked, the apostles believed that Jesus could make the difference. And they did what He asked. And He made the difference between what they could do and He could do.

What tasks have I done in the post believing that Jesus will make a difference between what I am able to do and what is required? What have I seen others do in this regard? Am I willing to face the ordinary problems of each day or take some big risk by believing that, in faith, that Jesus will be with me and guide me?

As we receive the body of Christ in the Eucharist, let us ask that we may grow in faith and give ourselves to the needs of others. Let us believe that Jesus asks us to “Give them some food yourselves”.