Reflection for Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 30, 2022

By Sr Marie Alice Ostry, ND

This Sunday’s readings weave our call in life.  In Jeremiah we know God “knows” before our time and forever.  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,..”  God has, is, and will always be with us.  PONDER!  The immensity and intimacy with which God blesses us.

God, who is love, created us and “breathe forth” into us this spirit –LOVE – and this is who we are called to be, to manifest, in our life each day.  Each of us is called in our unique way to be and the basis of our being is “with Love” (from the Epistle).

The challenge of the Gospel is to be true to this heritage which is ours “from before we came to be” everywhere we are in this world.  We find that sometimes this is hardest, as like Jesus, in our own “home place” because people “know” who they have seen us to be for many years and are puzzled when we “own” our heritage.

Reflection:  Do I own my “birthright” received through my creation – LOVE?

How do I come to “know” the call which is my unique gift?

Where does the strength come to remain true to my heritage?