Reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time…July 7, 2024

by Sr. Anita Rolenc, ND

Ezekiel 2;2-5, Psalm 123: 1-14, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Mark 6:1-6

The three Scripture passages speak of weaknesses, rejection, hardships and sufferings in serving God.  Ezekiel, Paul, and even Jesus faced opposition from those to whom they were sent.  Yet Ezekiel persisted in speaking to the Israelites.  Paul trusted in the Lord’s power to use his gifts in preaching.  And Jesus, unable to work any cures among his own people, went to those who listened and accepted His teachings and miracles.

What is the lesson for us?  Our weaknesses, inabilities, limitations, rejections—all can be turned over to God in prayer.  Ask God for the grace to carry out the ministry of loving and serving others.  Rely on the strength and power of God who delights in gracing our efforts and blessing us, regardless of the outcome.