Reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 11, 2021

By Sr. Celeste Wobeter ND

This Sunday’s readings are quite powerful!  As always! The words of the Gospel that jolted me are, “take nothing for the journey.” What does that mean for you and me today?

As I thought about these words I wondered if the message of Jesus is to remember WHO we are and WHOSE we are.  We are Jesus’ disciples in this time and place and we are called to be about God’s mission of love and peace today.  Yes, we all have our responsibilities and commitments.  How are each of these our part in carrying out God’s mission?   This needs to be the focus of my life no matter my age, ministry, gifts, health, or situation.

It can be so easy to lose this primary focus and focus on “my” needs to be recognized or successful or comfortable.  Maybe that is part of what Jesus is asking of us, “take nothing for the journey.”  Recognition, success, affirmation can be baggage we carry that hinder our work to be about God’s mission.

  • What is it I need to let go of to truly be about God’s mission?
  • When was a time I felt in awe of the reality that God is asking ME to carry out God’s mission?