Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary time…September 3, 2023

by Ann O’Connor, Notre Dame Associate


In this Gospel reading, Jesus revealed his purpose on Earth. He made it clear to his Disciples that He had to “take up His cross,” go to Jerusalem to suffer at the hands of the chief priests and scribes, be put to death and be raised up on the third day. This was to be done for the forgiveness of our sins and the sins of the entire world.

Jesus rebukes Peter and tells him and the Disciples to take up their crosses and follow Him. Jesus is talking about real sacrifice. He says that if someone wants to follow Him, they must be willing to take up their cross and follow Him.

For us, taking the cross is also accepting and living with pain, suffering of any sort, and the problems of life we can do nothing about. Sometimes, others may be the cause of our cross. When we try to live our lives in our own way, this eventually turns out to be a waste of time. When we surrender our path to God, we are given the promise of eternal life.

Reflection: What cross is Jesus placing before you today? How will you respond? How will you “take up your cross” to follow Jesus?