Reflection for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary time…October 8, 2023

by Cathy and Gary Leak, Notre Dame Associates

Readings: Is 5:1-7   Ps 80:9, 12, 13-14,15-16,19-20    Phil 4: 6-9    Mt 21:33-43

In today’s readings from the Old Testament, a promising vineyard became a disappointment, was abandoned, and eventually became ruined. The vineyard was God’s people of Israel who abandoned God’s ways. They became like the wild grapes despite God’s wishes for His people.

We see that in much of the world today. Many people seem to have abandoned God’s ways through greed, hate, dishonesty, etc. and, like the vineyard of old, face ruin.

Are we a part of the vineyard described in the readings, or do we want to be part of a productive vineyard of God’s people described in the New Testament reading?

The good “vineyard” produces love, joy, peace, kindness, generosity, and other Christian virtues.  If we are to live God’s ways, we need to show others that the vineyard of today is the one God intended.