Reflection for the Feast of Corpus Christi…June 11, 2023

by Sr Joan Polak ND

If ever the readings of any Sunday gave us the theme, today’s readings shout the theme: “Corpus Christi, Body of Christ.”

In the first reading we hear “and fed you in the desert with manna, was this not Eucharist?” In the second “the bread that we break, is it not a participation in the Body of Christ?” The Sequence has too many to quote. And lastly in the Gospel Christ Himself offers Himself for us to eat.

Do these not tell us of the importance of Eucharist? And so I ask, “How do I prepare myself for receiving Christ? How attentive am I to the Consecration of Eucharist? Am I grateful for Eucharist”? It is CORPUS CHRISTI, BODY OF CHRIST.