Reflection for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

by Dick Connealy, Notre Dame Associate

I have much more to tell, but you could not bear it now.
But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.

John 16:12-15
The journey of faith and truth cannot come all at once. We could not bear it. Because with faith and truth comes great power. We can all think of times when someone took that power and used it to lead many people astray.

Jim Jones led many down a very dark path that ended in suicide. His understanding was tainted by his wish for power and control. He could not bear it.

It takes a very long time to understand that our will can always be tainted, but if we search for God’s will then over time, we can use that power for the right things.

We can heal the sick. Our care and compassion can heal hearts and spirits like no other medicine.

We can raise the dead. My father has been gone for almost 28 years, yet his spirit and strength are with me today.

We can get discouraged at how slow the faith and truth come to us, but we must always remember the journey is our lifetime, so as long as we are here we can help each other along on our search.