Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024

by Ann O’Connor, Notre Dame Associate

GOSPEL READING   Lk 21: 25-28, 34-36

The readings today mark the beginning of Advent, the time of waiting. The readings talk about the need to be prepared. We believe that Jesus is coming into our hearts and the world. This first week prepares us to be people of hope and believe that darkness will not prevail and that the light of the world will overcome it.

Jesus’ words to His disciples in today’s passage from the Gospel according to St. Luke speaks of the second coming of the Son of Man and calls us to prepare for His second coming. Jesus insists that His followers should be prepared, remaining awake and vigilant, in order to not be caught by surprise when Jesus returns.

If we are prepared, the return of Jesus will be a joyous day, for on that day our “redemption is at hand.” Therefore, the Second Coming is something to look forward to. If we are unprepared, Jesus’ return will be the cause of great fear, for it will be the day of our judgment. Therefore, we should focus our lives on what really matters: knowing, loving, and serving God.


If He were to return today, would He find you ready? What needs to change in your life for you to be ready for that encounter? Perhaps this Advent is a time to make those changes.