Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent

by Kathryn Schinker, Notre Dame Associate

We entered Lent earlier this week and today’s readings provide a framework and a challenge for me as I ponder the focus of my journey these 40 days.

The gospel acclamation says one does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. The devil even tempted a hungry Jesus to turn stones into bread. These temptations of Christ challenge me to seek my strength, consolation, desires and actions from Him. When I was young we were encouraged to “give up” something. That can be a start but I have realized that I need to increase my actions to love, to serve, to pray – to fast on the things of the world and to feast on God’s love poured out for each of us.

I pray for openness, acceptance, thankfulness and willingness to deepen my relationship with Christ on this Lenten journey toward Easter.