Reflection for the First Week of Advent, Dec 3, 2023

by Sr Theresa Maly ND

I invite us to reflect on the mystery and wonder of relationship.  In his book of Advent Meditations, Carroll Stuhmueller, C.P. writes, “The reality is, God has become Incarnate in our midst, not so much in this or in that, but in the relationship between the two.”  Is not all life relationship—at every level, from the inanimate to the most complex?

Our 2nd reading this week reminds us that God is faithful and calls us to fellowship (relationship).  Nothing exists outside the realm of relationship.  Our planet earth, stars, milky way galaxy, and galaxies galore on and on all working in marvelous harmony according to God’s plan is unimaginable.  Then as we move to focus on our earth, we see harmony is often disrupted by conflict, suspicion, violence, war, etc, in which such differences as race, religion, color of skin, gender identity, political views seem to create irreconcilable differences.  But the reality of the relationships among all people does not change.  All are one and unconditionally loved.  Jesus lived the reality of these words.

Our Advent challenge may be to reflect deeply on the life of Jesus as we pray and join together to develop communities of compassion and respect where all are welcome – ready to DO the work of Jesus.