Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent…February 28, 2021

By Sr Joy Connealy, ND

At times do you ever doubt that God is listening?  We have so many heartfelt needs and so much chaos and injustice in our world.  We have a deep desire to know that God is there with us, in the midst of our everyday lives.  But if we look at our past experience and trust in the faith tradition that has been passed on to us, God is not only listening, but has spoken definitively.   Twice in the Gospels God audibly proclaimed the place Jesus has in our lives. The first time was at Jesus’ baptism:  “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus was sent by God and was in fact God’s presence among us.

The second time the Father spoke directly about Jesus’ role is recorded in this week’s Gospel reading, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”  We know from this statement what God expects of us.  Listen to him!  Simple, right?  Sometimes, but not always.  When we get too caught up in everyday activities and don’t take the time to really be quiet and listen, then God’s voice can get pretty muffled.  It can get drowned out by anxiety, demands on our time and doubt that our efforts can make a difference.

Our second reading is one we can go back to often when we are overwhelmed and wondering if we are alone in this journey.  “If God is for us, who can be against us.”  Jesus knew that connection to his Father and depended upon it for his journey on earth.  We can, too.  God is right there with us and as we listen, especially attentive during these Lenten days, God reveals the truth that we too are Beloved.