Reflection For The Third Sunday Of Easter… April 18, 2021
By Cathy, Notre Dame Associate, & Gary Leak
First Reading Acts 3:13-15,17-19
Psalm 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9
Second Reading 1 John 2:1-5
Gospel Luke 24:35-48
In today’s Gospel, we are reminded of the Paschal Mystery; Jesus’ life, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Jesus appears to the Apostles, but they think He is a ghost until Jesus says to them touch and see me, examine my hands and feet. He finally ate in front of them so that they would believe it was truly Jesus. He reminded the Apostles that he suffered and died for our sins and the sins of the whole world. We are to repent of our sins and follow his commandments in our actions, not just our words. We are to be witnesses to others in Jesus’ name.
How are you being a witness to others in Jesus’ name? What can we say to others about the purpose of the Paschal Mystery? How are we living the Paschal Mystery in our own lives?