Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent…March 7, 2021
By Dot Connealy, Notre Dame Associate
Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19:8-11 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25
“they’ll know we are Christians by our love”
Jesus shows us in this gospel that His temple is to be a place set aside from worldly things. When we go to church we should be able to find a common ground with others, set aside from worldly cares.
When I was involved with Cursillo, we were told to “Make a friend and bring that friend to Jesus.” It seems so difficult in our cultural climate today to even find that common ground to stand on to “make a friend.”
I know that there are many societal issues that are very important and must be addressed, but can we have a place of common ground where we can stand together, pray together and be friendly?
Help me, Oh, Jesus to leave behind the prejudices, fear and angers of the work-a-day world when I join my voice with yours in your temple. Thank you, Jesus!