Reflection for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time…Oct. 10, 2021
By Dick Connealy, Notre Dame Associate
A reading from the Book of Wisdom 7:7-11; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30
Like many, I thought wisdom was about learning things outside myself. Wisdom is a gift from walking with God and letting him take you on the journey to who you really are.
Many of the greatest lessons come to me in times when I was powerless. I wanted to change people, and situations. What I have come to realize is that I can change nothing except me. And, I can only do that if I let God guide me to those changes. Fr. Gillick said we are inside out people. We behave based on who we think we are. If we think we are children of God, we will act as children of God.
Our only job is to let God show us who we are and then we won’t be lost anymore. I pray that we always remember that we are children of a loving God.