Reflection for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Cathy ( Notre Dame Associate) & Gary Leak
We all have the same origin … our Lord God. God created Adam then Eve because God knew that man was incomplete. Eve came from Adam showing us how close man and women should be. They are to cling to one another, be fruitful and multiply. Their children are gifts from God and from each other. God welcomed children into His arms and said that we all must walk in His ways and accept the Kingdom of God with the dependence and obedience on God as a child would.
To make all this possible God sent His only Son to us as an infant and then into adulthood in order to live a genuine human life like ours. He then experienced suffering and death for us so that we can achieve salvation and return to God. This is Jesus gift of salvation for us.
So how grateful or blessed are you for your life? Your spouse? Your children? Salvation?
We can achieve salvation by following His ways, and loving one another as He loves us.