Reflections for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Sr. Rita Ostry, ND

Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Reading this Sunday’s gospel, I am challenged by the words “Put out into the deep.” The fishermen had been working all through the night and all seemed to be fruitless. Then Jesus said, “Put out into the deep.” Wow! What a surprise they beheld — A catch of fish to the point of nets breaking. Sometimes it feels that way in my own life. I keep trying to be kind, caring, respectful, loving and it feels like nothing is happening. Perhaps the challenge is to “go out into the deep!” What could be the deep for me?

  • Am I hanging on to old hurts that sustain fractured relationships?
    Am I playing it safe and avoiding conversations that may need a challenge to stereotyping individuals or encouraging gossiping?
  • Do I really try to engage in discussions with others who have very differing viewpoints in a calm respectful manner or do I try to convince them my way is the best way?
  • Do I stretch myself to reach out to others who are different from me and get to know them and their story?
  • Do I trust deeply that in the very ordinariness of daily life my God continues to walk lovingly and faithfully beside me? How do I nurture that?

I believe these are some of the deeps God is inviting me to explore. How about you? Have you heard an invitation from God to “Go out into the deep” lately? May we listen gently and carefully this week as we dare to enter into the deep.