Second Sunday of Lent, February 25, 2024

by Sr. Marie Alice Ostry, ND

Today’s readings challenge us to live our belief in God’s word; trust in God’s promise to always be with us; and look beyond the physical appearances of what our natural eyes see.

In Abraham we see his wholehearted belief lived out that God promised “descendants which outnumber the sands of the seashore” and so Abraham “took” God at God’s word to sacrifice his son.  In Abraham’s trust and belief, he came to see “beyond” his natural eyes and “spied a ram in the thorns”.

Just as Paul urges the Roman Christians to remember God’s promise to be always with them: “If God is for us, who can be against us?  God did not spare Jesus… how will God not also give us everything else along with Jeus.”  (Rom. 31b -32 paraphrased).

Through the Transfiguration, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain where Jesus grants the grace to see Him as He is – beyond their natural eyesight.

These readings challenge me to ponder how I live out my beliefs in what God has “spoken” to me in my faith journey; trust that God is here with me each day; am I “awed” when I encounter God’s presence in my daily experiences.

Do I really listen to God’s voice; trust God’s promise; take time to see beyond the physical appearances of everyday happenings?