Presidential Life Lessons from George Washington: Wisdom for Today

by Mikaela A. VanMoorleghem, MPA
Did you know that Presidents’ Day is still officially called Washington’s Birthday on all official Federal Government calendars and writings? While the name “Presidents’ Day” was proposed for this Monday holiday in 1951, the U.S. government never officially changed the name.
I thought it would…
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Pilgrims of Hope: Embracing the Jubilee Year as a Journey of Hope

Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year, a Catholic tradition first observed in the Church in 1300 but having its roots in book of Leviticus in the Hebrew Bible. The Catholic version has traditionally emphasized pilgrimage, ceremony, and indulgences-more on indulgences another day. Unless one has a…
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Ushering in the New Year: Finding Hope in Uncertain Times

by Mikaela VanMoorleghem, MPA
As we step into a new year, it’s natural to look for hope and fresh beginnings. Yet, for some, the challenges of the past may linger, making it hard to see the light ahead. Issues such as environmental changes, economic uncertainty, social inequities, and divisions…
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A Heart Full of Thanks: Recognizing the Gifts of Community

by Sr. Jan Ludvik, ND
I am truly grateful for all the people who touch my life — and the lives of others in ordinary, amazing, or unexpected ways. In retirement, my ministry consists primarily in prayer and a variety of volunteer services. I have numerous opportunities to reach out…
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Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future: A 9/11 Reflection on the Power of Unity and the Importance of Voting

by Mikaela VanMoorleghem, MPA
As we mark the anniversary of September 11, 2001, our hearts naturally return to the memories of that day—images of unimaginable loss, bravery, and the unity that emerged in the face of adversity. For those of us who lived through that time, the day is…
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Celebrating Mother Teresa’s Birthday: Lessons for a Divided Society

by Mikaela VanMoorleghem, MPA
Today we honor the birthday of one of the 20th century’s most revered figures, Mother Teresa. Known for her commitment to serving the poor and marginalized, Mother Teresa’s legacy remains deeply relevant, especially in today’s polarized and divided times. In today’s context, celebrating her birthday…
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Independence Day: Reflecting on “Justice and Equality for All”

by Mikaela VanMoorleghem, MPA
As fireworks light up the sky and flags wave proudly, Independence Day invites us to reflect not only on the birth of our nation but also on the principles of “justice and equality for all.” These ideals, preserved in our founding documents, are the foundation…
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Gun Violence Awareness Month: I Invite You to Share a Burden

by Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND
I invite you to share a burden
Why, you might ask, are you determined to burden me with more awareness of life’s many tragedies? Aren’t you asking me for more discouragement, depression, or anger?
Awareness faces reality head on. The other choice is blocking out…
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The Legacy of Seven Oaks: From Roots to Branches

by Sr. Celeste Wobeter, ND
It was in 1910 that our first Sisters from Bohemia came to the United States to care for young Czech girls in an orphanage in Fenton, MO. Immediately after their arrival, they were called to teach in schools in Dodge Nebraska, Spillville, Cedar Rapids…
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Earth Day 2024 Healing Our Throwaway Culture: Focus on Plastics

by Mikaela VanMoorleghem, MPA
Today marks the 54th anniversary of Earth Day. This year, the theme is Planet vs. Plastics. is working toward a 60 percent reduction in the production of plastics by 2040.
Over the past 50 years, world plastic production has doubled. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…