Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 24    

By Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND     

God is here on our doorstep, in our kitchen, in the bus, on the border, and on the battlefield. Everywhere we are! This year the fourth week of Advent is over before it is started and Christmas is upon us.

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Third Sunday of Advent – December 17

By Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

Christmas is near! Is this good news for you or is it panic inducing? The Sunday readings this week instruct us to rejoice. Our topic this week is Advent guilt. Advent spirituality if about anticipation, waiting, patience, and hope. Meanwhile many of us…

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Second Sunday of Advent – December 10

By Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

Advent and Jesus, the Jew

Being a Jew was difficult in Jesus’ day under harsh Roman occupation. He might not have found it easy in our own day when a frightening rise in anti-Semitism is part of our current national reality. As we anticipate…

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First Sunday of Advent, December 3rd

By Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

Ever since I can remember, I have treasured having an Advent wreath to mark off the weeks of the season. An evergreen wreath with three purple candles and a pink one in the center of my table gives me a focus for the…

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Three Things About the Immaculate Conception that Might Surprise You!

By Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

I know the amount of time per year you spend pondering the Immaculate Conception is probably less than a nanosecond but, please, humor me!

1.  The Immaculate Conception is not about Jesus’ conception but Mary’s. I always found that a great number of my…

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Christmas Was Always Special in My Irish/Polish Family

By Sr. Margaret Hickey, ND

I grew up in an Irish/Polish family and Christmas was always special. After morning mass, we came home for breakfast but before we ate, we shared a communion-like wafer which Grandma kept from year to year. It noted prayer for unity and blessings for…

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Mom would begin Christmas baking two months in advance. Partially because some “treats” required “ageing”. There was the fruitcake made with many dried fruits and nuts, yet “laced” with whiskey every couple of days!

There were also many cookies – some special for Christmas…

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Sr. Stephanie Matcha, ND, Shares Her Experiences Working with Homeless Veterans

By Sr. Stephanie Matcha, ND

What Veterans Day Means to Sr. Stephanie

I have always considered Veterans Day one of the biggest holidays of the year.  It is a day to honor and show respect and gratitude to our military heroes for their bravery, patriotism, dedication to our nation, and…

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Congratulations, You Voted!

By Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

Some polling places hand out I voted stickers. When I think about that I am coming to believe that every eligible voter should get a sticker. If I go to the polls and cast a ballot, I get a sticker. If I stay…

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What does it mean to respect life? It is much more than one might think!

by Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

Respect for life is based on belief in the inherent dignity of every life. When we say “inherent,” we are saying that this dignity is “built in.” A person’s human dignity can never be revoked because of their mental health, economic situation, citizenship…

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