How I Prepare for Lent

by Sr. Margaret Hickey, ND

I just realized that there is a little more than a month between Christmas and Lent this year—Christmas season ends January 8 and Lent begins, Feb. 14th.  I don’t usually prepare but this request caused this reflection:

First of all, I need to focus toward…

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How to be a Valentine: Love In Action

by: Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

St. Valentine is best known as a 5th century martyr whose deeds are told through legend. His feast on February 14 was established in 496, by Pope Gelasius I and falls immediately before the February 15 Roman holiday of spring fertility! Coincidence? Strategic…

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Sr. Rita Ostry, ND on Beginning the New Year

What do you want to start?

As I begin a New Year, what I want to start is to begin each day with a spirit that each day is new, to embrace and honor the goodness that is present all around me.  The goodness and blessing that nature…

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Sr. Celeste Wobeter, ND Shines a Light on the Global Issue of Human Trafficking

by Sr. Celeste Wobeter, ND

Human trafficking is a major world crime, second highest to drug trafficking; however, sex trafficking is the most prevalent form of human trafficking in the U.S.  Sex trafficking is a high profit, low risk business where the commodity – the human being’s body –…

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Sr. Margaret Hickey,ND Reflects on the New Year

As we begin 2024, it is almost impossible not to reflect on all that has happened in 2023. As we assess our lives and the year that was, we often discover what worked or is working, what is not, and what maybe needs improvement. As an alternative to…

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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18 – 25, 2024

by Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

This year’s international Theme:
“You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27 – Jesus quoting Deuteronomy)
What is the importance of this observance at this time? As Fr González-Ferrer reflects on decades of dialogue among the once hostile Christian…

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Honoring Dr. King

by Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, ND

I am reading Marshall Frady’s biography of Dr. King, and it has made me question what it means to observe this holiday for such an iconic figure. In the back of my mind, I keep hearing a well-known quote from Dorothy Day. “Don’t…

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The Feast Day of Alix LeClerc – A Prophet for Our Time

by Sr. Joy Connealy

In today’s society and beyond, as in every age, we need witnesses to Gospel justice.  Those are special individuals who are deeply connected to God and are passionate about responding to the needs of our world.  Blessed Alix LeClerc, a co-founder of the Notre Dame…

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The Epiphany

by Sr. Jan Ludvik
Years ago when I lived in Chicago, I occasionally “lost myself” as I was driving to various destinations.  I did not have a navigational system, neither a compass nor a GPS.  Therefore I circled around and discovered various off-the-beaten-path areas of the city.  It was…

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Embracing God’s Grace: A New Year’s Reflection

By Mikaela VanMoorleghem, Communications Director – Notre Dame Sisters

As we step into the new year, it’s only natural to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. In this season of new beginnings, there’s a sense of gratitude that comes with contemplating the grace of God…

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