
​Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent

by Barbara Hickey, Notre Dame Associate

We have all been through Lenten practices many times in our lives and we continue to be saddened by the events that happened to Jesus during the final weeks leading to his death.

As we spend our time meditating on the life and…

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​Reflection for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Phyllis Kubes, Notre Dame Associate

Sunday’s readings speak of Mercy. The entrance antiphon states we can trust the Lord for He is merciful.
In the first reading from the book of Samuel mercy continues as David refuses to harm Saul.
Psalm 103 states: “The Lord is kind and merciful.”


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Reflections for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Sr. Rita Ostry, ND

Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Reading this Sunday’s gospel, I am challenged by the words “Put out into the deep.” The fishermen had been working all through the night and all seemed to be fruitless. Then Jesus said, “Put out into the deep.” Wow! What a surprise…

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Reflection for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Cindy Wenninghoff, Notre Dame Associate

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you….They will fight against you but not prevail over you, for I am with you to deliver you, says…

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Reflection of the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time

by Theresa Homan, Notre Dame Associate

“Do not be saddened this day for rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength.”

The people were weeping as they heard Ezra read the word of God’s law. Maybe they were saddened at how poorly they were keeping the law, or…

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​Reflection for January 20, 2019…Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

by Juanita Harding, Notre Dame Associate

A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians: 12-4-11.

In today’s reading, St. Paul writes about the different kinds of Spiritual gifts; the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, mighty deeds, prophecy, discernment of the spirits, varieties of tongues, interpretation…

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​Reflection for The Baptism of the Lord

by Sr. Margaret Proskovec, ND

As I was preparing to write these reflections, news broke in our diocese that one of the priests who is very dear to me, turned himself in to the State Patrol, admitting that he had sexually assaulted a young woman in his parish.  His…

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Epiphany Sunday

by Sr Marie Alice Ostry ND

Epiphany – this means manifestation.  We just celebrated the coming of the Christ at Christmas.  What does this mean in our lives?  What did it mean in the lives of those who lived in Mary and Joseph’s time?  God came to share in…

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Holy Family Sunday

by Sr Cynthia Hruby ND

Plight of the Family in Flight

The Gospel for today tells of Jesus in the temple teaching the elders.  His parents are in the caravan on the way home when they realize Jesus was not with them (LK 2:41-52).  The caravan, yes, we have been…

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Christmas Reflection: God Works through All Kinds of People

by Sr Melannie Svoboda SND on December 24, 2018

The story of the first Christmas sets before us an array of unique individuals. First, there is Mary, a teenage mother. Then there is Joseph, her conscientious husband, a simple carpenter.

Next, we have a powerful Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus, who…

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