Happy New Liturgical Church Year!

Happy New Liturgical Church Year! Another new beginning for us as we walk through the scriptures to hear God’s promise of salvation for all from other viewpoints and with new experiences in our lives, especially those from this past year of 2020. I appreciate new beginnings. How about…
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Celebrating Advent Differently This Year

Here are some new Advent Actions to coincide with your calendar. Use your Advent calendar to encourage daily actions:
Pray for global peace and individuals around the world whom you have never met.
Monday and Wednesday:
Attempt small random acts of kindness – pay for someone’s drive-through order behind you. Call a…
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A Time of Hope – a letter from our Provincial President

What a year! This pandemic impacted all of us unpredictably, and most of us can expect a different kind of holiday season this year. Still, allow yourself to experience the excitement of Christ’s birth and connect with loved ones.
Remember, we all treasure the most basic tradition of sharing…
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Christmas Traditions from Srs. Josita, Anita, Karen, and Stephanie, ND

We were honored this year to receive letters from almost all of our Notre Dame Sisters about their Christmas traditions growing up. Below is the first post about Christmas traditions. Hopefully, this can inform how your traditions may change this year, as COVID-19 keeps us from celebrating the…
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A reflection on renewal through retreat

My retreat this year was an experience and revelation of God’s close companionship. My hope was to be refreshed and renewed during my “time away with God”. Being at St. Benedict Retreat Center near Schuyler was a great gift as it is out in the country. I was…
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A Thanksgiving celebrated after the fall of communism

Thirty-one years ago the Notre Dame Sisters had reason to be thankful.
Sr. Sidonia Sviglerova (translator) and M. Purissima Kazdova visit Sr. Mary Hlas at the Eppley Treatment Center in Omaha, Nebraska in 1990.
Mother Purissima Kazdova, mother general of the Notre Dame Sisters’ international congregation,…
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What a Wonderful World – a poem by Sr Joan Polak, ND

As I was thinking about the trip, a song of Louis Armstrong came to memory and I take license to adapt it to my thoughts and feelings.
I saw trees of green covering the mountains,
skies of blue and clouds of white,
and I said to myself what a wonderful world.
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A Thanksgiving message from our Provincial President

As we move into this month of Thanksgiving it is so important to call up our prayers and words of gratitude, especially in this time of change, confusion, uncertainty and yes, fear.
No one day is the same as yesterday. We long for some normalcy but the abnormal is…
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A Prayer for Election Day

By Sr. Joan Polak, ND
Creator God and loving Father of all nations, we come to you in prayer asking for your guidance in this difficult time.
From East to West and North to South we are a divided nation in need of unity.
We come asking that You in Your wisdom guide us…
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A Prayer for COVID Relief

As the COVID-19 pandemic stretches on into the autumn months, let us reflect on our trust in God.
Loving God, Source of all Creation, we praise and thank you for the life you give each of us.
Teach us to treasure this sacred trust.
In this difficult and challenging…