A call for healing and hard work – a response to the storming of the US Capitol

sr margaret

A Message from our provincial president
Yesterday, January 6th, was a disastrous day for our nation. A day I hope we will never forget as we work together to restore our democracy, on each level of government and in every heart of our citizens. I watched the events first…

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New Year Prayers to start the year off right

From Sr. Margaret Proskovec, ND

This prayer was taught to my First Communion Class many years ago and remains a favorite, especially in these days of “distancing.”
Dear Jesus, I desire to receive you.
Come to me, I pray, and fill my being with holiness and grace.
Enable me to love you…

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Pray with us for daily blessings in 2021

O God, may I gratefully and graciously welcome each new day aware of your
guiding, loving, faithful presence.

May I respectfully greet each person
I meet, walk humbly and gently on the
earth and honor deeply the amazing blessings that come through the
events of this day.

For this I pray, Amen.
~Sr. Rita Ostry,…

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Christmas traditions from Srs. Celeste, Ernestine, and Corona, ND

Sr. Celeste Wobeter – Apple for Christmas
As a child I couldn’t wait for Christmas – gifts and food! My memories as an adult are of family gathered together – mom and dad, siblings and spouses, nieces and nephews. A spirit of love and joy, laughter and teasing, memory…

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423 Christmases with the Notre Dame Sisters

In the central part of Lorraine, France was the little town of Mirecourt where Peter Fourier was born in 1565. He grew up in a deeply religious family. At age 10 he was tutored by a Franciscan Friar. At age 13 he entered the University at Pont-a-Mousson. There…

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Christmas traditions from Srs Kathleen, Joan, and Joy, NDS

We were honored this year to receive letters from almost all of our Notre Dame Sisters about their Christmas traditions growing up. Below is the first post about Christmas traditions. Hopefully, this can inform how your traditions may change this year, as COVID-19 keeps us from celebrating the…

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Advent Prayer 2020

By Sr. Ernestine Havlovic, ND
Heavenly Father, we beg you to make this season a time of slowing down, a time to open our hearts in preparation for your coming.
Let our love of God spread throughout the world and may we find joy in bringing joy to others.

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Happy New Liturgical Church Year!

Happy New Liturgical Church Year! Another new beginning for us as we walk through the scriptures to hear God’s promise of salvation for all from other viewpoints and with new experiences in our lives, especially those from this past year of 2020. I appreciate new beginnings. How about…

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Celebrating Advent Differently This Year

Here are some new Advent Actions to coincide with your calendar. Use your Advent calendar to encourage daily actions:

Pray for global peace and individuals around the world whom you have never met.

Monday and Wednesday:
Attempt small random acts of kindness – pay for someone’s drive-through order behind you. Call a…

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A Time of Hope – a letter from our Provincial President

What a year! This pandemic impacted all of us unpredictably, and most of us can expect a different kind of holiday season this year. Still, allow yourself to experience the excitement of Christ’s birth and connect with loved ones.
Remember, we all treasure the most basic tradition of sharing…

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