Honoring the Hopes, Dreams and Challenges of Martin Luther King

At 35 years old, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. That December, Dr. King’s words from Norway eloquently and powerfully described how millions of people across the world felt at that time.
Read the entire speech     Watch the 12-minute speech

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National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) is the association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States including the Notre Dame Sisters.

Women religious around the world are deeply involved in protecting and promoting the dignity of trafficked people and to creating long-term…

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Vulnerability – A letter from our Provincial President

This morning frost was in our neighborhood. Then a heavy fog descended as the sun was attempting to break through the clouds. I thought to myself— we are now vulnerable to the weather about which we can do very little. 

The word “vulnerable” is a word I continue to…

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Las Posadas – a Notre Dame Sisters tradition

The Sisters had a tradition known as Las Posadas (The Lodgings) which commemorated the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem as they sought shelter for the night. It is celebrated chiefly in Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, and Spain. It is typically celebrated each year between…

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Notre Dame Sisters are a light to their community

Learn what the Sisters are doing to be a light for the world. While all of our Sisters have important ministries from prayer to social justice to education, we are focusing on just a few in this article.

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Advent prayers from Sr. Rita Ostry, ND

Loving and Gracious God, the Christmas season reminds us of Christ’s coming into the world to bring light to those who walk in darkness. We are aware of the darkness that fills our world. Jesus calls us to bring light to the darkness around us.
So we pray,


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You are a light to the world, a letter from our Provincial President

Let’s imagine a light present at our conception and birth — there through the grace of God and our parents bringing us to life. At Baptism the light grew stronger when our parents and Godparents answered for us, walked with us and mentored us through our life. The…

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Creative ideas to brighten someone’s Christmas season

Are you looking for ways to reach out and be a light in your community this season? Here are some suggestions!

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God Calling – a poem by Sr. Joan Polak 

God Calling
By Sr. Joan Polak 


In the chirping of the birds, 

I hear the Word of God. 

In the whispering of the leaves on the tree God speaks to me. 

In the silence around me 

Comes God whispering to me. 

In the pain and difficult moments 

What is God saying to me? 

In the caw of…

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God Calls in Surprising Ways

By Sr. Alma Janousek 

Life is full of many surprising adventures. After 25 years of being an elementary educator as a teacher and principal, I felt a call to a different ministry. So, I took classes to become a hospital chaplain. 
Valley Hope Treatment Center
Eventually I found a position as…

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