
Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Cindy Wenninghoff, Notre Dame Associate

How can we live for heaven – in a world where we are so busy? Busy with work, and meetings, and a society that tells us all the things we “need”, and judges our way of life, making us unsure. How can we…

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Reflection for the Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time

by Sr. Dorothy Rolf, ND

The Gospel message for the past Sunday conjures up within one some questions about how we look for Jesus and why. Sometimes one may feel like Zacchaeus, trying to see Jesus from a distance because one isn’t worthy to come closer.

Maybe our lack of…

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Reflection for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

by Juanita Harding, Notre Dame Associate

The Gospel reading, Luke 17: 5-10
In today’s gospel the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” The Lord replied, “If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be up rooted and planted…

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Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Sr Theresa Maly, ND
We have all heard the story Jesus told of a rich man who was hosting one of his many extravagant banquets.  Outside his door lay Lazarus, a poor man covered with sores, who would have been satisfied with simply the scraps that fell from…

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​Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Linda Cernik
Today we have guest reflections from the 8th grade religion classes at Neumann High School.

You can’t put ANYTHING before God.

When the parable says you need to be trustworthy with yours and others belongings, it doesn’t mean just material things
— it is referring to how we use…

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Reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Dot Connealy, Notre Dame Associate

Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-32

The story of the Good Shepherd presents one of my favorite images of God. Being a small lamb helpless and confused about who and where I am is something I can relate to (at least at…

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Reflection for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Theresa Homan, Notre Dame Associate

The book of Wisdom tells us that the deliberations of mortals are timid and our plans unsure. How often do I get a whiff of inspiration or an insight into needed action, only to back off, if ever so slightly, from the full…

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Sunday, September 1, 2019, Labor Day Weekend

by Sr Cynthia Hruby ND

First Reading: Sirach 3: 17-18, 20, 28-29
Second Reading: Hebrews 12: 18-19, 22-24a
Gospel: Luke 14: 1, 7-14

While Labor Day is a national holiday (and not a religious day), we can remember all those who labor and toil for the good of all our communities.


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Reflection for the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Cathy Leak, Notre Dame Associate and husband, Gary Leak
Isaiah 66:18-21; Psalm 117:1-2
Hebrews 12:5-7,11-13; Luke 13:22-30

The readings today really mesh well together. In the first reading The Lord wants all nations to know Him and proclaim His glory.  The Psalms response is to spread the “good news”. The…

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​Reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Ed McKibbin, Notre Dame Associate

Often today we hear people attempt to reason that there is really no universal truth, that truth in and of itself varies from person to person. Who are you to tell me who and what I should believe in, and how I should…

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